Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Google Online Marketing Challenge 2010

google online marketing challenge

I am currently a captain of Team University at Buffalo in the Google Online Marketing Challenge 2010. My team is competing against over 10,000 students from 500 universities around the world in the challenge. There are six members including myself in the Team University at Buffalo, and Professor Alan Dick has been helping us as an advisory professor. My team was provided $200 worth Google AdWords money so that we can utilize the money to promote a local company by running Adwords campaigns on Google. Since February 2010, my team has developed strategic marketing plans including keyword lists, by which we have promoted the company to current and future customers on the online. There is no such a financial award for the challenge, but my team members and I have put our efforts and time in it because we value experience that we will gain and honor of representing our school in the world competition.

1 comment:

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